The ICT section provides a wide range of services to Catholic schools and the Catholic Education Offices of Adelaide and Port Pirie. In addition, ICT manages large technology based strategic initiatives to support transformational change.
Significant initiatives ICT has been involved in include:
ICT collaborates with schools on all ICT initiatives through the ICT Advisory Committee; a sub-committee of the Finance and Infrastructure Standing Committee (FISC).
The purpose of the ICT Advisory Committee is to:
CEO ICT provides services across the following key areas:
The CESA ICT Policy Framework is used to articulate the ICT vision, strategy and principles for the management and use of information and information technology resources to support the strategic plan and objectives of Catholic Education South Australia.
Further, the CESA ICT Policy Framework helps ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promotes operational efficiency and management of risks by specifying requirements and standards for the consistent management of information technology resources across CESA.
The CEO ICT team continues to negotiate and manage sector wide contracts to ensure that the schools and the CEOs receive scale benefits and efficiencies.
Where possible, CEO ICT works to provide subscription-based offerings so schools may participate based on their need.
Working in conjunction with Catholic Network Australia, a national master services agreement has been developed for the provision of wide area network services for Catholic Education South Australia.
The School Technology Services team provides an extensive range of professional services to over 84 schools. The team operates as a not-for-profit service to reduce the total cost of ownership and support for schools. With reach back into the broader CEO ICT team, and major suppliers throughout Australia and overseas, schools can leverage specialist skills not otherwise available. The team also provides support and advice on school ICT strategies and annual plans.
During 2020, the team continued to provide:
CEO ICT is responsible for the delivery and support of the CESA Wide Area Network (CESANet) including internet connectivity, content filtering and security for 100 school sites and the Catholic Education offices.
All Catholic schools in South Australia enjoy high speed, fibre-based network connectivity. During 2020, all school connections were upgraded to a minimum of 100Mb per school with no additional cost to schools.
COVID-19 introduced significant additional demand (over double) on the network as a result of teaching and learning activities. The assumption that students would learn remotely in Term 2 required a rapid change in the approach network services needed to deliver.
The managed endpoint protection (anti-virus) solution supporting over 18,000 end user devices and 1,000 servers was transitioned to the Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection service. This solution has improved overall protection and significantly reduced the overall cost for schools.
The applications development team is responsible for maintaining the bespoke solutions required by CESA.
Key activities through 2020 included:
The CEO ICT Service Centre provides front line support for schools and the CEOs. Key services provided by the Service Centre team include:
ICT Production Management is responsible for the administration of all ICT services for CESA. The team ensures technical standards and production criteria are met so that all ICT services reached usability and reliability standards.
Day-to-day operations included the management and monitoring of data centres, planning and coordinating support and maintenance activities to ensure legislative and vendor compliance, improved supportability and security.
The Information Management and Retention project will replace the existing DocuShare system and develop the processes and tools for management and retention of digital intellectual property.
The project has acquired new document management software and equipment to remove the risks associated with DocuShare, whilst meeting mandated security and retention requirements.
Benefits include improved communications, collaboration, dissemination and retention of critical information in Catholic Education South Australia.
SEQTA, a Learning Management System (LMS), was provisioned in every primary school. For the first time, every Diocesan school can access a LMS. Whilst the full implementation of SEQTA was hampered by COVID-19, it was instrumental in automating attendance reporting.
Each year the Disaster Recovery (DR) facilities are proactively tested to ensure reduced risks associated with a catastrophic event. This work involves migrating, testing and operating all services from the DR facility.
In the event of any unplanned extended disruption, the DR facility is designed to return services to all schools and offices within 1 business day.
This project continues to organise and automate data gathering and reporting for schools providing significant efficiency, including:
Preparation of a new community portal which will offer parents and schools: